Nexe the way of change is the company which owns this web site. Thus, except where stated otherwise, all the intellectual and industrial property rights to the content of this web site belong to Nexe the way of change
Nexe the way of change does not guarantee that the web site and its server are free from viruses, and takes no responsibility for any harm caused by accessing the web site or by the impossibility of accessing it.
Under no circumstances shall Nexe be liable for any damage arising from the loss of use, data or benefits resulting from viewing or using the software, documents, information or services in general which are available on this web site.
The content of this web site (including but not limited to all the information, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, activities, products and various services, whether its own or from third parties, offered through the web site) is protected by intellectual property law.
Therefore, its content may not be manipulated in any way by the user or by third parties. Distribution, modification, transmission, copying or any other use of the content of the web site for public or commercial purposes without prior authorisation by Nexe the way of change is an offence penalised by current legislation.
All trademarks, commercial names and/or distinctive signs of any kind which appear on the web site are the property of NEXE the way of change or of third parties, and the use of or access to the web site and/or the Services cannot be taken to entitle the user to any rights to any with regard to the said trademarks, commercial names and/or distinctive signs.
Furthermore, the content is the intellectual property of NEXE the way of change or of third parties, and none of the rights to exploit the said content above and beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the web site and the services provided can be taken to be granted to the user by virtue of this legal notice.
The use of certain services offered to users through the web site is subject to specific conditions in each case (hereinafter, the “Specific Conditions”) which may in some cases replace, supplement and/or modify this legal notice. Therefore, before using the said services, the user must also read the relevant Special Conditions carefully.
The intention of Nexe the way of change is to offer correct, up-to-date information at all times. However, this information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Thus, Nexe the way of change takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the web site.
Nexe the way of change accepts no liability arising from misuse of the content and reserves the right to update, modify or delete information contained in the web site and restrict or not allow access to this information on a temporary or permanent basis.
The information contained on these web pages is current at the time of its last update and must be taken as information for the guidance of users concerning the solutions and services and other additional information. The user may request the date of the last update of any information by sending an e-mail to the address provided on the web site itself.
Nexe the way of change takes no responsibility for any discrepancies which may arise between the version on its printed documents and the electronic version available on the web site itself.
The content, commercial activities, solutions and services included on the Nexe the way of change web site and any of those connected or linked to it are aimed at consumers resident in Spain, so that in all cases Spanish legislation shall apply and the competent courts shall be those of Spain.
Nexe the way of change takes no responsibility for any information not contained on its own web pages, and therefore not drawn up by Nexe the way of change or not published under its name. Furthermore, it explicitly declines all responsibility for information contained on third-party web pages connected via links to its own pages.
In accordance with the stipulations of article 5 of the Spanish data protection act, Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December 1999 (hereinafter referred to by its Spanish acronym of LOPD), you are hereby informed by NEXE the way of change that the personal data which you supply to us by filling in any electronic registration form which appears on our web site, and any data obtained by NEXE the way of change as a result of you browsing, consulting, applying or arranging any product or service, or any other transaction or operation conducted via the NEXE the way of change web site, will be added to a file under the responsibility of Nexe the way of change.
The purposes for which your personal data are gathered are those specifically shown on each of the pages featuring a form to be sent to us so that we can meet the request made by yourself. In general, the data of a personal nature you supply to us will be used to deal with your enquiries and to inform you of new activities, products and services by Nexe the way of change.
For the purposes of the stipulations of articles 11 and 34.e of the LOPD, you consent to your data being passed on to such companies as Nexe the way of change may have cooperation agreements with, both in Spain and elsewhere, this involving a transfer to third parties cooperating directly or indirectly in our activities or whose intervention makes it possible to enhance our commercial relationship with you.
By accepting the content of this legal notice, you explicitly give your consent to the use of your data, in accordance with the stipulations of article 27 of the LOPD, concerning notification of the first transfer of data.
Your consent to the transfer of your personal data can be withdrawn at any time, though this cannot be retroactive in effect, in accordance with the stipulations of articles 6 and 11 of the LOPD. If when you filled in your details in the relevant form you stated that you wished to receive information by e-mail, you also give your consent to us sending you commercial information by e-mail in accordance with the requirements of the Spanish information society and e-commerce act.
You may, if you wish, exercise your right to access, correct, delete and object to the processing of your personal data, on the terms and conditions provided for in the LOPD itself, by writing to our place of business (NEXE the way of change, Rambla Catalunya 111, 3º-1ª, 08008 Barcelona or by contacting us at the e-mail addresslopd@nexe.com).
Should you supply us with personal data about third parties, in accordance with the stipulations of the LOPD you declare that you have the explicit consent of the person affected to hand over their data, and that you have first informed them where they were obtained from, of the existence and purpose of the file containing their data, who this information is destined for and of the possibility of exercising their right of access, correction, deletion and objection, as well as the identifying details of Nexe the way of change, on the terms and conditions stated in this legal notice.
Nexe the way of change undertakes to treat your personal data in absolute confidence, making use of them solely for the purposes stated above. You are informed by Nexe the way of change that it has implemented the necessary security measures of a technical and organisational nature to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent their unauthorised alteration, loss, processing and/or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, either by human action or from the physical or natural environment. All the above is in accordance with the stipulations of article 9 of the LOPD, and of Royal Decree 1720/ 2007 of 21st December 2007 approving the regulations to implement the aforesaid data protection act, law 15/1999 of 13th December 1999.
Cookie es un fichero que se descarga en su ordenador al acceder a determinadas páginas web. Las cookies permiten a una página web, entre otras cosas, almacenar y recuperar información sobre los hábitos de navegación de un usuario o de su equipo y, dependiendo de la información que contengan y de la forma en que utilice su equipo, pueden utilizarse para reconocer al usuario.. El navegador del usuario memoriza cookies en el disco duro solamente durante la sesión actual ocupando un espacio de memoria mínimo y no perjudicando al ordenador. Las cookies no contienen ninguna clase de información personal específica, y la mayoría de las mismas se borran del disco duro al finalizar la sesión de navegador (las denominadas cookies de sesión).
La mayoría de los navegadores aceptan como estándar a las cookies y, con independencia de las mismas, permiten o impiden en los ajustes de seguridad las cookies temporales o memorizadas.
Sin su expreso consentimiento –mediante la activación de las cookies en su navegador– no enlazará en las cookies los datos memorizados con sus datos personales proporcionados en el momento del registro o la compra..
Cookies técnicas: Son aquéllas que permiten al usuario la navegación a través de una página web, plataforma o aplicación y la utilización de las diferentes opciones o servicios que en ella existan como, por ejemplo, controlar el tráfico y la comunicación de datos, identificar la sesión, acceder a partes de acceso restringido, recordar los elementos que integran un pedido, realizar el proceso de compra de un pedido, realizar la solicitud de inscripción o participación en un evento, utilizar elementos de seguridad durante la navegación, almacenar contenidos para la difusión de videos o sonido o compartir contenidos a través de redes sociales.
Cookies de personalización: Son aquéllas que permiten al usuario acceder al servicio con algunas características de carácter general predefinidas en función de una serie de criterios en el terminal del usuario como por ejemplo serian el idioma, el tipo de navegador a través del cual accede al servicio, la configuración regional desde donde accede al servicio, etc.
Cookies de análisis: Son aquéllas que bien tratadas por nosotros o por terceros, nos permiten cuantificar el número de usuarios y así realizar la medición y análisis estadístico de la utilización que hacen los usuarios del servicio ofertado. Para ello se analiza su navegación en nuestra página web con el fin de mejorar la oferta de productos o servicios que le ofrecemos.
Cookies publicitarias: Son aquéllas que, bien tratadas por nosotros o por terceros, nos permiten gestionar de la forma más eficaz posible la oferta de los espacios publicitarios que hay en la página web, adecuando el contenido del anuncio al contenido del servicio solicitado o al uso que realice de nuestra página web. Para ello podemos analizar sus hábitos de navegación en Internet y podemos mostrarle publicidad relacionada con su perfil de navegación.
Cookies de publicidad comportamental: Son aquéllas que permiten la gestión, de la forma más eficaz posible, de los espacios publicitarios que, en su caso, el editor haya incluido en una página web, aplicación o plataforma desde la que presta el servicio solicitado. Estas cookies almacenan información del comportamiento de los usuarios obtenida a través de la observación continuada de sus hábitos de navegación, lo que permite desarrollar un perfil específico para mostrar publicidad en función del mismo.
Cookies de terceros: La Web de Nexe puede utilizar servicios de terceros que, por cuenta de Fados Produccions, recopilaran información con fines estadísticos, de uso del Site por parte del usuario y para la prestacion de otros servicios relacionados con la actividad del Website y otros servicios de Internet.
En particular, este sitio Web utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio analítico de web prestado por Google, Inc. con domicilio en los Estados Unidos con sede central en 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. Para la prestación de estos servicios, estos utilizan cookies que recopilan la información, incluida la dirección IP del usuario, que será transmitida, tratada y almacenada por Google en los términos fijados en la Web Google.com. Incluyendo la posible transmisión de dicha información a terceros por razones de exigencia legal o cuando dichos terceros procesen la información por cuenta de Google.
(En este punto la AGPD sugiere incluir cada una de las cookies de terceros utilizadas y los datos de dichos terceros. Por evidentes razones en este modelo sólo se ha incluido la Google en el uso de Analytics por ser la más extendida y común.)
El Usuario acepta expresamente, por la utilización de este Site, el tratamiento de la información recabada en la forma y con los fines anteriormente mencionados. Y asimismo reconoce conocer la posibilidad de rechazar el tratamiento de tales datos o información rechazando el uso de Cookies mediante la selección de la configuración apropiada a tal fin en su navegador. Si bien esta opción de bloqueo de Cookies en su navegador puede no permitirle el uso pleno de todas las funcionalidades del Website.
Puede usted permitir, bloquear o eliminar las cookies instaladas en su equipo mediante la configuración de las opciones del navegador instalado en su ordenador:
Si tiene dudas sobre esta política de cookies, puede contactar con Nexe en info@nexe.com